Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cosmos Episode 9 Viewing Worksheet

Great educators know that in order for all students to learn, they need to adjust their teaching style to accommodate all types of learners. This means there needs to be an assortment of ways that content and topics are introduced and reinforced for the students. One way this can be accomplished is through videos. Luckily, Fox has come out with an amazingly entertaining and extremely accurate science series called Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey,  hosted by the very likable Neil deGrasse Tyson. He makes learning science fun and accessible for all levels of learners. Whether the episodes are used to supplement a lesson, as a review for a topic or unit of study, or as a reward, teachers in all science subjects should be encouraging their students to watch the show. If you are looking for a way to assess understanding or what the students were paying attention to during Cosmos Episode 9, called The Lost Worlds of Earth, here is a worksheet you can use as a viewing guide, a note-taking worksheet, or even a post-video quiz. Just copy-and-paste the worksheet below and tweak as you feel is necessary. Cosmos Episode 9 Worksheet  Name:___________________    Directions: Answer the questions as you watch episode 9 of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey.    1.  On what day of the â€Å"cosmic calendar† is 350 million years ago?    2. Why could insects grow to be so much larger 350 million years ago than they can today?    3. How do insects take in oxygen?    4. How big was most vegetation on land before trees evolved?    5. What happened to the trees in the Carboniferous Period after they died?    6. Where were the eruptions centered during the mass extinction in the Permian Period?    7. What had the buried trees in the Carboniferous Period turned into and why was this bad during the time of the eruptions in the Permian Period?    8. What is another name for the Permian mass extinction event?    9. New England was a neighbor to which geographical area 220 million years ago?    10. The lakes that broke apart the great supercontinent turned into what eventually?    11. What did Abraham Ortelius say ripped America away from Europe and Africa?    12. How did most scientists in the early 1900s explain that certain dinosaur fossils were found in both Africa and South America?    13. How did Alfred Wegener explain why there were the same mountains on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean?    14. What happened to Alfred Wegener the day after his 50th birthday?    15. What did Marie Tharp discover in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean after drawing a map of the ocean floor?    16. How much of the Earth lies beneath 1000 feet of water?    17. What is the longest submarine mountain range in the world?    18. What is the name of the deepest canyon on Earth and how deep is it?    19. How do species get light at the bottom of the ocean?    20. What is the process bacteria use in the trenches in order to make food when sunlight doesn’t reach that far?    21. What created the Hawaiian Islands millions of years ago?    22. What is the core of the Earth made of?    23. What two things keep the mantle a molten liquid?    24. How long were dinosaurs on the Earth?    25. What did Neil deGrasse Tyson say the temperature of the Mediterranean basin was hot enough to do when it was still a desert?    26. How did tectonic forces bring North and South America together?    27. What two adaptations did early human ancestors develop in order to swing from trees and to travel short distances?    28. Why were human ancestors forced to adapt to living and traveling on the ground?    29. What caused the Earth to tilt on an axis?    30. How did the human ancestors get to North America?    31. How long is the current intermission in the Ice Age projected to last?    32. How long has the unbroken â€Å"string of life† been going?

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Tacitus The Agricola and The Germania - 903 Words

Imperial Rome, during the first century A.D. was expanding its boundaries by adding new territories. They expanded into northern Europe and Britain and conquered or attempted to conquer various types of people. Based on my reading of Tacitus The Agricola and The Germania, I have knowledge of the life and customs of the Britons, subject of the Agricola, and the Germans, subject of the Germania. This of course being the Romans, and more specifically Tacitus, observation and view of these groups of people. The customs of the Britons differed from that of the Romans. Britain was the largest of the islands known to the Romans, who thought of Britons as barbarians. The physical characteristics of the Britons varied, suggesting that they†¦show more content†¦The Romans viewed the Britons as spiritless cowards because instead of dying for their cause and families- wives and children at home, they would run away and therefore be captured in stead of dying for the cause. The customs o f the Germans also differed from those of the Romans. Germany contained various people and was thought of by Tacitus as indigenous with little foreign blood. Their physical characteristics are all the same, they cannot endure hard work and tiring chores as the Romans can. Their only form of wealth was in numbered livestock, because their lands didnt have a lot of silver or gold. But after being exposed to the Romans, they began to value gold and silver. Unlike the weapons of swords and lances, the Germans use spears with short and narrow blades, javelins and shields. They dont train their horses like the Romans, for speed. Their strength is in their infantry, not their cavalry. Their system of power and authority is quite different. For instance, the power of the kings is not absolute, the commanders lead by example not authority, and the priests inflict punishments. The chiefs fight for victory on the battlefield, and the followers fight for their chiefs not themselves. Tacitus vie ws the Germans as having a need for violence. The women in Germania stay close their men. The men go to their mothers and wives to be treated, encouraged and supplied with food. TheShow MoreRelatedAgricola and Germania Essay1604 Words   |  7 PagesKali Ryan Agricola and Germania Dr.Newsome October 2, 2012 Agricola and Germania The Agricola and Germani is a novel that serves two purposes: The Agricola is a eulogy praising Tacituss father-in-law, and commander of Britian, Agricola. The Germania is an ethnography on German people. Both stories are told through the eyes of Tacitus as he indirectly criticizes Roman politics and society. His reason for snaking in these criticisms in such a crafty manner had been due to his friendship withRead MoreThe Relationship Between Roman Empire And Western Europe1708 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Tacitus is a historian who described life of the Roman Empire and the many different types of people who lived within Rome itself or alongside its borders. Agricola and Germania were amongst his earlier writings, however these two stories described the relationship between the Roman Empire and the surrounding regions of Northern Europe. Agricola is a testimonial towards Tacitus’s father in law which was commended for his many achievements for the Roman influence on Britain. In Germania TacitusRead MoreEssay about Germania: Tacitus’ Perceptions of Pax Romana Rome1455 Words   |  6 PagesGermania: Tacitus’ Perceptions of Pax Romana Rome While the early 2nd century is usually considered to be the height of the Roman Empire, closer examinations reveal a deteriorating state hiding behind a faà §ade of power and wealth. As modern day historian C. Warren Hollister described, â€Å"life in Rome’s ‘golden age’ could be pleasant enough if one were male, adult, very wealthy, and naturally immune to various epidemic diseases. But if this was humanity’s happiest time, God help us allRead MoreTacitus And Roman Imperialism1850 Words   |  8 PagesTacitus believes that Roman Imperialism has a variety of attributes that include prosperity, cruelty, and jealousy. He is more so critical of conquests attempted by people he does not favor. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Book Review Animate Form by Greg Lynn Essay Example For Students

Book Review: Animate Form by Greg Lynn Essay Book Review: Animate Form by Greg Lynn Animate Form composed by Greg Lynn, is a book that challenges the design attacks of architecture in 1999s.In the book, he discussed how designers deal to their edifice with inactive. He defines the term of â€Å"animation† as an development of a signifier and the force which determining the signifier by connoting animalism, animism, growing, propulsion, verve and virtuality. Lynn was seeking to make a system that projected forces are moving over the signifier themselves by presenting the pattern of life and gesture in writing package in his design development. He farther expresses his statement by utilizing the illustrations from cars and boats and provinces that the design attacks of their signifiers are straight related to the force received by the vehicles. Through presenting his thought of reverse kinetic in architecture signifier, Lynn stress his statement by disputing the ways how designers approach in their design procedure. He contends that life can help in the edifice designs that trade with complicated force of gravitation which had one time disinterest by the designers. Besides, he besides illustrate a series of illustration from his old plants to demo the patterned advances of how alive signifiers shaped by forces with the concluding consequence as to back up his ain statement. As what Lynn mentioned the calculation design procedure of practical infinite in the book, it enables interior decorator to explicate and warrant the composite based signifier of concretion even their apprehension and cognition are limited. Here, Lynn had taken advantages of the historical illustrations such as the survey of curvature by Entienne-Jules Marey and the instance survey of Quattro Fontane by Francesco Borromini to explicate his idea processes on how he came to the thought of life and the restrictions in order to achieve their qualities in signifier design Greg Lynn ( 1991 ) Animate Form. New York. Princeton Architectural Press. Pp. 9 Ibid. Pp. 10 Furthermore, Lynn province the geometries signifiers shaped by Baroque constructions was antecedently characterized wrongly as signifier that are built up by uninterrupted watercourse of comparative value and basically the spline defined in his computational design should categorise similar with them3. Lynn farther explains the inactive relationship between composite curves and occultations will be created when the signifiers of Baroque geometric adhered to cardinal radii ( Figure 1.1 ) , while spline geometry that adopt in computer-aid design procedure enable vectors to run and modulate through control vertices ( Figure 1.2 )4.Lynn besides tried to analyze how Baroque architecture trade with complex curve designs in order to analyze the nature and belongingss of splines in computing machine life design every bit good as the restrictions of inactive system. Figure 1.1 ( Beginning: Animate Form by Greg Lynn ) Figure 1.2 ( Beginning: Animate Form by Greg Lynn ) Ibid. Pp. 20 Ibid. Pp. 20 He uses the research of curvature carry out by Entienne-Jules Marey as case in point to back up his statement of calculation life in relation to infinite and clip. Through the thoughts that had been to the full utilized into the issues of life, Lynn successfully creates credibleness to his statement. Marey described by Lynn as one of the innovator morphologist to travel off from the signifier survey of inert Cartesian infinite toward the research of beat, motions, pulsations, flows and their effects on signifier as clip passed5. Figure 2 is an image that demoing research of motion illustrated by Marey. He was seeking to snapshot a continual series of imaginations that captured from the gesture of a horse’s limb. This method is so adopted by Lynn and often uses in snapshotting series of imaginations in his generated life. Harmonizing to Lynn, everything that designed for map should follow with the environing acting forces. To Kill A Mockingbird - Plot Summary EssayBesides, Lynn besides argues that even presents computing machine are going omnipotent in the procedure of planing, but they are still non capable to plan by their ain. In order to beef up his statement, he dispute the thought of John Frazer and Karl Chu who are the design theorists that claim that computing machines are originative plenty and have the capableness to bring forth familial design schemes by themselves12. Here, Lynn had design a parametric quantity in order to cover with the computational design at the same clip supporting himself from other critics whom might believe that computational life had taken over the design works from designers. Harmonizing to Lynn, he believe computing machine should utilize as a tool in procedures of planing but non as what Frazer and Chu had argued that allow the computing machines to plan by themselves.Thus, this contrast had allows Lynn to show the of import function of computational life that p layed in architectural design.He besides mentioned that interior decorators should handle their computing machine like a pet because if the abandon of design procedures were controlled and disciplined, it will enable one to foretell the if behavior or public presentation of computational design system and the mathematics behind them13. Ibid. Pp. 19 Ibid. Pp. 19 Ibid. Pp. 20 Greg Lynn is a theoretical designer and philosopher that develop the architectural construct of animated based signifier and performativity based architecture. Even though â€Å"Animate form† had published long ago in 1999s, it had still efficaciously foreseen and argues the part to the development of computational design in architecture presents. Lynn had good reinforced and utilized his thought in the development of architecture sector through comparison and contrasting the different political orientations that are either recognize or refute with his statement. Through the illustrations and signifiers taken from his old plants, Lynn able to reason the relationship between capablenesss of life to adumbrate the force and how can be the signifier shaped in order responds to the force. Lynn successfully explored the strength of computational life design in the architectural promotion at the same clip supplying a whole new positions and chance in design procedures. Mentions: Book Greg Lynn. ( 1991 ) . Animate Form. New York. Princeton Architectural. Website hypertext transfer protocol: // retrieved by 30 August 2014 hypertext transfer protocol: // retrieved by 31 August 2014 hypertext transfer protocol: // retrieved by 31 August 2014

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Solution on Material Science

Question: Discuss about the Solution on Material Science? Answer: Solution1 (a): This component can be made from (i) Sand Casting (permanent pattern): (ii) Die Casting (iii) Centrifugal Casting (Vertical) Solution1 (b): (i). Sand Casting (permanent pattern): these castings basically use to produce bigger parts, in which other casting process is not suitable. To make 1000 component in a batch, we have to use two walled cylinder and a separate sand core is place just between them. Its problem is that It has grainy surface and generally internal porosity is developed. dimension is also largely variable. After casting machining is necessary, this causes extra cost. (ii) Die Casting: Basically we can use cold die casting, in this process the component in batches can be produced but one again cost of mold is high, we have to change it regularly, and main factor is that generally metal is used in die casting has generally low melting point that Iron and steel. So we can use this casting in low MP of material. (iii) Centrifugal Casting (Vertical): This is the best method by which we can produce the given component. The main characteristic of this it has finer grain structure with coarse web and rib. Solution1 (c): My recommendation goes with the third one, because we can produce it in a batch. Not bothering about core in this process. High strength of casting is also possible. It is widely used in industries now, So setup is also easily available and cost effective. Solution2 (a): It looks like; the component is galvanized for protection against corrosion. So we have to describe about types of corrosion prevention method these are (i) By control of electrode potential (ii) By blockage (iii) By metal coating or metal spray Solution2 (b): (i) By control of electrode potential: this method is suitable for Large old sections whose replacement is costly affairs. To controlling the corrosion, we have to design the component in such a way that drainage of water is easy. Moisture accumulation is removed etc. By doing this we can achieve 30% of corrosion prevention. (ii) By blockage; in this process we have to provide extra covers to the surfaces of component. Its also permanent process by covering the component is itself is sometimes costly affairs. it is easier to make new component. that is why is not frequently used iii) By metal coating or paint spray: Metal coating is generally done through galvanizing. This is the cheapest and durable process, galvanized material last for about 20 yrs. from corrosion. Nos of steel companies are selling galvanized sheets, by which the above component can be made. Solution2 (c): My recommendation goes with galvanized material, because it is coated with Zn of Al, By doing this component not only prevented from corrosion but also strengthen, and leakage free, Component made from galvanized material is also cheaper as compared to above process. Solution3 (a): The other two characteristics are shape of particles and size distribution of particles. Solution3 (b): The nucleation and growth kinetics of the condensed phase is the factor which determines the particle size in metal powder production by chemical reaction. i.e. Decomposition of Carbonyl gives particles of sizes between 0.2 and 20 m. As per reaction mechanism, reaction with different ionic solution is as follows AgNO3(I) + K2SO3(I) = Ag(s) + 1/2K2SO4(l)+KNO3 + 1/2SO2(g). The particle size is based on nucleation and growth kinetic, it is about 1 m dia. range References: Campbell, J, 2011, Complete Casting Handbook: Metal Casting Processes, Metallurgy, Techniques, Elsevier, USA. Randall, M, 2005, Powder Metallurgy Particulate Materials Processing, Metal Powder Industry, USA.