Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Importance of College Essay Example for Free

Importance of College Essay When I think of my college search, I think of a lot of stress and a lot of time. It was a very stressful time in my life and put a lot of pressure on me to get into a good school. Education is the most important part of one’s life. Not everyone goes to college right after high school, and college is not intended for everyone. For example, some people decide to work right after high school rather than go straight into college. College is quite expensive, and some may even say it is hard. However, college is not a bad thing. It has many good qualities. For instance, college is a time where students can venture out and meet new people. I knew without a college degree I would probably be going nowhere in my life. So, I decided to go to college. There were many reasons backing my decision to go to college: I wanted to make a better life for myself. I waneted to find a job where I would not be living paycheck to paycheck, like my parents have had to. I wanted to encounter things that I never realized could even exist, and to take classes taught by passionate instructors. But most of all, I wanted to prove that I could be successful. I did not do the whole high school experience thing at all. During my four years in high school, I was antisocial, and spent most of my time at home. But now that I am in college, I can experience so many things that I skipped out in in high school. It was a huge dream of mine to have friends, to be social, and to really be a teenager (or a young adult). I am hoping by being in college, I will be able to experience that. Being at such a young age, I literally hold my future in my own two hands, just as my other peers do. What I decided to do now with my life is what will affect my future, my familys future, and the outcome of my life. Without a good head start on life, I dont see any possible way for me to truly succeed. This can be compared to how one would construct a building. If you build a foundation out of sand and sticks, and try to build a skyscraper, the entire structure will topple. But, if you start with a solid foundation, such as cement, you can build a mighty tower. In the same sense, should I make something of myself while I am young, I will be able to continuously flourish throughout my lifetime. If I am able to do that, then I will have succeeded in my own eyes. After high school, many people do not consider going to college. But not going to college was not an option for me. My parents never went to college, and watching them struggle to make ends meet was awful. I just knew that I did not want to be in their situation.. Therefore, I do not want to live my life, paycheck to paycheck, and worrying about whether or not I am going to have enough money to pay to keep a roof over my head. The reason for going to college is that I wanted to have a better life. Not everyone can go to college to better themselves, but I am lucky, and truly blessed that I am getting a opportunity to better myself. In fact, college is extremely important to me. I am the first one in my immediate family to go to college so it is a big deal to everyone that I not just go, but to also graduate. Being in college, and getting a degree in whatever my heart desires, will open up so many doors for me. It would help me get a job that I not only like, but one that I look forward to going to everyday, and one that will make me feel like I am actually accomplishing something with my life. College is going to be a great thing for me, not just because it says â€Å"Oh look at me, I went to college†, but because I am doing something to make myself become a better person. My dream for my life in the next ten years is simple; to be happy and successful. I’m sure there are a lot of people who want to be successful in their life, but I don’t need to be making tons of money to be happy. I want to be happy with my job/career, and be able to support my family and I. My family had a big part in my choice of going to this school in particular. I didn’t have any ideas of what I wanted to do with my life or what kind of job I wanted. That was my major reason for coming to college; to figure out my life for the future. I would want my peers and teacher to remember me how I am today. I like to believe I am a nice, outgoing, and very open person. Someone you could come to for help and be able to talk to, or someone to make you laugh when you need a laugh. I was raised to treat everybody with respect and kindness, and I want to be remembered in that way. For people who have already finished high school, one of the choices they will have to make is whether to continue to higher education, which means going to college, or to start working and planning their life right away. Different people will have different choices of their own, but for me, I think there are a couple of reasons why I should attend college. I decided to go to college to get a bachelor’s degree in restaraunt management. A college degree will make me more competitive in the job market, and give me a better opportunity to receive a higher paying job. In order to maintain and promote your position at a company, you must have the knowledge and experiences that come from attending college. A person with a bachelor’s degree will earn, on average, almost twice as much as workers with a high school diploma. People with a master’s degree can earn up to $31,900 more per year than a high school graduate. And those who attend a two year college are able to earn up to $250,000 more than someone who does not. Going to college not only helps me better my life, but it also gives me a wider range of job opportunites. In todays society, more and more jobs are requiring that you have more than just a high school education. Attending college will help me gain skills that I will use in the workplace. In the past, workers were required to do very simple tasks which didnt require complicated skills. but, a`s time passed, these kinds of simple tasks have been replaced by machines. Therefore, large corporations and even small  companies want a person who is capable of completing somewhat more sophisticated jobs, the skills for which can be obtained from a college education. Also, taking college courses in English will help me improve my reading and writing skills, which are essential for any job. So, college is the best place to increase my knowledge and skills before I move on to the real world. College is important to me. I am the 1st one in my immediate family to go to college so it’s a big deal to everyone. So far, I love college, it has been a great thing for me, and I know in the end, it will really pay off, and turn me into someone that I want to be.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Comparing the Epic of Gilgamesh, Hesiods Theogony, and Ovids Metamorp

Comparing the Epic of Gilgamesh, Hesiod's Theogony, and Ovid's Metamorphoses   Ã‚   There are many parallels between the Epic of Gilgamesh, Hesiod's Theogony, and Ovid's Metamorphoses. The first similarity is immediately apparent: structure. We can view the structure of the Gilgamesh story as three concentric circles: a story within a story within a story. In the outer circle, a narrator prepares the audience for the primary narrative, contained within the second circle: the tale of Gilgamesh's adventures. Within this second circle a third narrative, the flood story, is told to Gilgamesh by Utanapishtim. Ovid's Metamorphoses is told in a similar way: Ovid starts out by telling of his intention and invoking the gods' help to tell the story. He then tells many tales as the primary narrative, and within the primary narrative exists other narratives, such as "Venus tells Adonis the story of Atalanta" in Book 10. Even Hesiod's Theogony is similar to some extent. He has a bit of a prologue in which he explains how the Muses have inspired him to write of the creat ion, and then he enters the primary creation narrative. This method of storytelling does a variety of things. First, it prepares the reader to accept the story. In Gilgamesh, the narrator tells us that Gilgamesh has set down his adventures in his own hand. This leads the reader to accept the story as an authoritative one, especially considering it has come from a mortal, like us, who is part god. Because Gilgamesh is part god, we realize that if he can accept his lot in life, his mortality, then we mere mortals should be able to do the same. In Theogony, Hesiod prepares his audience to accept the story by telling (ad nauseum) that the Muses have worked through him to create... ...M.E.L. Early Mesopotamia and Iran. McGraw-Hill: New York, 1965. Ovid. Metamorphoses. Trans. Rolfe Humphries. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1983. Rosenberg, Donna. "Gilgamesh." World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics. 3rd ed. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Publishing Group, 1999. 26-57. Swisher, Clarice. The Ancient Near East. Lucent Books: San Diego, 1995. Works Consulted The "Epic of Gilgamesh": An Outline. Online. 15 Feb. 2000. Sumerian Mythology FAQ. Online. 15 Feb. 2000. Gardner, John and John Maier. Gilgamesh: Translated from the Sin-leqi-unninni version. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984. Harris, Stephen L. â€Å"Gilgamesh.† The Humanist Tradition in World Literature. Ed. Stephen Harris. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1970.

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Story A View From The Bridge Film Studies Essay

Arthur Miller was a good cat he was a affluent concern adult male who inherited his male parent ‘s concern a adult female ‘s vesture store. Before a position from a span was written there was another drama called â€Å" the adult male who had all the fortune † this was a large hit in the theater, so large that it won the national theater award in 1940. His existent large interruption was in 1956 when he wrote a position from a span. The narrative â€Å" a position from the span † is set in a topographic point in New York called â€Å" Red hook † the full narrative is narrated by a adult male called Alfieri it is ill-defined who he is in my ain personal sentiment I think that he is person who watched over the narrative take topographic point like a falcon watching its quarry. But in the narrative it is now clear to me Alfieri is the attorney of the narrative. The existent topographic point where the narrative is set is by the docks near Broker Bridge the docks are wear all illegal immigrants flee in to the state from the boats at the clip the great depression was taking topographic point. The chief characters that are in the drama are: Eddie is Italian American and he is married to his married woman called Beatrice and Eddie has an orphaned niece called Catherin. Eddie is a truly nice household cat. Eddie ‘s usage of linguistic communication is informal he speaks Brooklyn slang and he is non educated. Beatrice is a common jurisprudence married woman to Eddie and he has an orphaned niece called Catherin she has a really happy relationship with Eddie and they both live merrily together Rodolfo is the immature good looking individual blonde she is an illegal immigrant to the state. CatherineA is the niece of Eddie Carbone and Beatrice. Catherine is a beautiful, smart, immature Italian miss who is really popular among the male childs in the community. MarcoA who is the cousin of Beatrice, Marco comes to the U.S. to work and do money to direct back to his married woman and kids in Italy. Marco is a difficult working Italian adult male. Marco ‘s usage of linguistic communication is in broken he speaks broken English These are non all the characters within the drama these are merely the chief 1s who make the narrative. The overall temper of the characters within the narrative â€Å" A position from a span â€Å" is really unagitated and relaxed within the first Acts of the Apostless but deeper into the narrative, flooring events take topographic point and everybody ‘s temper alterations into a more serious tone. The author has showed each characters droping towards each other are altering. â€Å" I want my name! I want regard. † Eddie ‘s demanding nature leads to him and Marco contending this shows how thing are traveling on in a bad manner. But every bit long as you owe them money, they ‘ll acquire plentifulness of work done † this is another scene where Rodolfo is egger to get down work this is another illustration of how the characters temper is come oning e.g. Eddie contending with the Italian community which are like Mafia. And Rodolfo off the boat and ready to work. The manner the narrative unfolds is when Catherin decides to get married Rodolpho. Eddie is really disapproves of this. So he goes to the great extent of describing him to US in-migration governments. He besides gets his attorneies involved in the instance so that the happy twosome do non get married, he truly did non desire them to be together he went to such great extent to do certain that they do non get married. â€Å" This is my last word, Eddie, take it or non, that ‘s your concern. Morally and lawfully you have no rights, you can non halt it ; she is a free agent † this is where Eddie is told about the matrimony and is told there is nil he could make about it, this brings bad tempers in to the scene and besides bad emotions are get downing to be created. There is a subject emerging out from all play and action taking topographic point and that subject is illegal immigrants because the new cats to New York think they can run this town tonight. But it ‘s non traveling to go on. As in the instance of Marco and Rodolfo they are new in town at the start of the narrative so subsequently on they want to acquire occupations. â€Å" He says we start tomorrow † this citation was by Rodolfo being eggar for her and Marco to get down doing money. Drama means in Grecian action and that ‘s what happened allot through the drama. Further on I will be speaking about the two dramatic scenes that take topographic point and how the emotions affect the scene. First the scene I have chosen is the portion in the drama where Marco shows Eddie how strong he is. â€Å" can you raise this chair said Eddie â€Å" from here â€Å" said Marco and Marco lifts the chair with one manus behind his dorsum, merely to demo how strong and manfully and tuff Marco truly is in forepart of Eddie. The emotions portrayed by the characters are sad and bad 1s like fright, perturbation and unhappiness. For my concluding scene I have chosen the most action packed scene in the full drama in my ain personal sentiment. It is the scene there is a battle taking topographic point non a shouting statement fight a existent battle with knifes and fists. You can see there is a fight brewing before it all boots ‘ off where Eddie is acquiring ready to contend Marco when he comes and Beatrice is stating material to Eddie like â€Å" I love you â€Å" and she says things like â€Å" The truth is non every bit bad as blood † as in stating Marco ‘s here do non acquire excessively angry Eddie, do non inquire for a battle merely inquire for the truth. Before the two work forces get ready to contend Rodolfo shows whose side she is on by running towards Marco. At this point the emotions created here are hatred ; the bad emotions are created by Eddie because Rodolfo chose to travel and stand by Marco. The consequence it had on Eddie was non good because ended up in fall backing to force. After a small slap talk to each other Marco work stoppages out at Eddie, Marco goes for a cervix shooting â€Å" Marco work stoppages Eddie beside the cervix â€Å" . Then the flood tide comes Eddie goes to stab Marco, Marco catches the dip and spins the knife about and goes for Eddie. Louis tries to interrupt so up but it was unhappily excessively late. Eddie has been stabbed. â€Å" Anima-a-al † screamed by Marco after he stabbed. At this point the temper, background and consequence all alterations. The usage of linguistic communication with in this dramatic scene is informal because Marco screened â€Å" anima-a-al † this show that the usage of linguistic communication within this scene is informal. All in all one think arther Miller has portrayed first-class emotions and used good imagination to convey the narrative to life By kiran Patel

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Rocking Horse Winner Thesis - 2184 Words

FINANCIAL INFLUENCE ON MOTHER AND CHILD RELATIONSHIPS IN â€Å" D.H LAWRENCE’S â€Å"THE ROCKING-HORSE WINNER† By JULIA M.ALAI In â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† we are introduced to a woman who author D.H Lawrence states, â€Å"was beautiful, who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck. She married for love, and the love turned to dust. She had bonny children, yet she felt they had been thrust upon her, and she could not love them.† When I dive into the psychology behind that statement, I come up with a thought that this beginning draws similarities to Lawrence’s own upbringing with his coal miner father and schoolteacher mother. Similarly the mother in â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† is disenchanted with her marriage and the way her life†¦show more content†¦They found that children from higher income families and households were advanced over their peers in both reading and cognitive reasoning skills. When we start to see Paul’s irrational and erratic behavior, specifically rocking violently back and forth on a childhood toy at what I assumed wa s teenage age, one has to question his cognitive and rationalizing skills. He seems to be out of touch with reality and almost entranced by this rocking horse and its fantasy. The rocking horse in fact was one of those extravagant gifts given to Paul and his sisters at Christmas. It’s ironic to me that this gift ultimately plays a large part in Paul’s unraveling and undoing. In Daniel P. Watkins journal entitled â€Å"Labor and Religion in D.H. Lawrence’s â€Å"The Rocking- Horse Winner,† † he references the piece of the story where Paul’s mother has begun to take and utilize the money he has been making. Unbeknownst as to where it actually came from she simply accepts and inquires as to more and more money coming in. It is not utilized to better their situation but to again keep with appearances and advance social standing and status. â€Å"There were certain new furnishings, and Paul had a tutor. He was really going to Eton, his father’s school, in the following autumn. There were flowers in the winter, and a blossoming of the luxury Paul’s mother had been used to. And yet the voices in the house, behind the sprays of mimosa andShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The Rocking Horse Winner 813 Words   |  4 Pages1244-1245 BP Rocking and LS 1261 1-4 A Shocking Accident and LS 1268 1-4 The Soldier and LS 1275 1-4 Wires and Ls Anthem and LS 1277 1-3 1296-1297 BP Demon Lover and LS 1305 1-4 1306 1-10 1307 Vocab Writing Assignments: Write: Three messages from Rocking Thesis: â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner† by D.H. Lawrence, represents three messages. POV #1: Lawrence, wrote â€Å"The Rocking-Horse Winner,† and brought forth the message that greed is a curse. 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