Monday, February 24, 2020

Research the topic of Information Security Management from quality Paper

The topic of Information Security Management from quality - Research Paper Example A large number of small-to-medium sized enterprises have and are investing a substantial amount of capital and resources into their business to cement their place within the world of business (eCom Advisor, 2000). The latest networking technology not only helps them achieve this but also allows them to expand their business and upgrade their SME into a large enterprise. This paper would take a look at the security threats that an SME faces online and its need of information security management to tackle these threats. ... This exposes their data to threats such as phishing, Trojans, spam and viruses. These threats could have a serious impact on the daily operations of the business being conducted. Moreover these threats can even sometimes have long term effects that hinder in the company’s growth and become a reason towards the loss in the company’s productivity (GFI software, 2009). SMEs are usually restricted in terms of resources and finances. Any significant loss of data or leakage of secret information could destroy the entire business (GFI software, 2009). This means that data integrity is a vital component within a SME and can make or break its business. An effective Information security management allows businesses to implement various measures that would protect various data and assets that the business owns. Information security management not only allows an organization to tackle security threats that it faces but also allows it to measure the impact the attack would have on t he performance of the business (Alexander, Finch, & Sutton, 2008). Incident response management and disaster recovery Components of an incident: Before the discussion of an incident management system it is vital to understand what an incident is and what the components of an incident are. An incident is an event that occurs due to an action that is executed by a person or an individual. Usually the purpose of these actions is to cause harm to the working of the system or to the data contained within the system. It is vital to point out here that incidents are a subset of events. An incident comprises of three components event, incident response team and incident investigation (Molino, 2006). An event is an activity that causes a deviation of the system from its normal working. An event is

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Loyalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Loyalty - Essay Example Marketing has become one of the most important disciplines in business administration. The level of success an organization achieves depends on its ability to satisfy the needs of the customers by providing products and service they seek at reasonable prices that add value. A strategy that many multinational corporations have pursued for many create a brand image that will help companies achieve customer loyalty. Customer loyalty can be defined as a deeply held commitment to re-buy or repatronize a preferred product or service in the future despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior (Kotler, 2002, p.294). This paper examines the concept of loyalty in order to evaluate the statement there is no such thing as customer loyalty anymore. Customer loyalty is key business strategy utilized to increase the levels of customer retention within a firm. A high customer retention rate adds value to a company because these customers represent future stream of revenues that the company can achieve with minimal marketing investment. There is a basic marketing rule that states that 80% of a company’s sales come from 20% of their customers (About, 2009). This implies that building a solid foundation of customer is extremely important for the long term success of a company. The stronger the sense of loyalty a customer feels towards the product of a company, the less likely this individual will purchase the goods or services from a competitor. A marketing quantitative analysis performed by Hughes (2009) of Fast Lube Corporation revealed that the longer a customer is retained the more the person spends annually with the company. One of the basis reasons marketing exist is to help a firm increase its sales totals. The sales of a company increase if the company is able to growth its customer base or if the