Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Brief Note On Cross Culture Of India - 928 Words

Somewhere culture defines the way of living of people of that area. Therefore I selected this topic of cross culture of India because the India a huge populated country and there are different religions in this country. Besides this I think we should have the knowledge about the other country cultures there languages how they like to live because in this world we can meet any one in any situations. That’s why it’s necessary for us to have knowledge about the cultures of the other country there people, there style of living, festivals, education systems, cuisines, weddings and the most important one their languages. India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. The culture of India varies from place to place within the country. The Indian culture is the combination of several different cultures. Indian culture is specifically based on the religions there are several different religions belonging to same country. Basically they have the same religion but they have divided themselves into various sub groups for example Brahmans and others. Moreover, there are several more religions living there as the minority such as Islam (14.2%), Christianity (2.3%), Sikhism (1.7%), Buddhism (0.2%), Jainism (0.4%). There are joint family systems in the India where the extended members of a family father, mother, children, his spouse and their offspring lives together. Usually the oldest member of the family is the head of the family. He rules the whole family in taking seriousShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement Of Industrial Design987 Words   |  4 PagesUSA is the place where one can find the most di versified universities. I have chosen this country to pursue my undergraduate degree as the major I aim to study is not offered by a lot of universities in my country (India). The major I intend to opt for is Industrial Design. Attention to fine detailing is the key factor for the success of any appealing product. 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